Jun 29, 2011

Gibson Lane Waggoner's debut

Whew! He is finally here and we couldn't be more in love with the little guy. Gibson Lane Waggoner was born at 3:04pm on June 20th, 2011. He weighed 7 lbs 7 oz and was 21.5 inches long (he's going to be tall like his daddy). Jerod, my mom and my sister were there to help welcome him into this world. I have to say that I am the luckiest girl to not only have a healthy beautiful baby boy but also because the labor and delivery were so easy. Thank God for epiderals! I checked into the hospital at 7am and had him that afternoon with only 5 or 6 simple pushes. My mom says it was the most uneventful birth that she's ever witnessed. I was pleasantly surprised with how fast and pain free everything was. I even joked to Jerod that I could do this everyday. I am sure I will change my mind about that after too many sleepless nights. My talented sister took some great pictures of the actual birth. I am so glad that she was there to capture those beautiful and emotional moments.

Gibs and I both got discharged on Wednesday the 22nd from the hospital. Roscoe and Drea were so happy to see us and meet Gibson. I think Drea is going to be the mother hen while Roscoe patiently waits for Gibson to be old enough to play with him. So far he has been sleeping through the night with me having to wake him up every couple of hours for feedings. I need to catch up on my baby development books while I can because I am sure things will change soon. My dad came down on Friday to meet Gibs and help us out for a couple of days. My mom left today to fend for ourselves. I am one lucky girl to have all this help and support from my parents and sister and especially from my wonderful husband. Jerod has gone above and beyond all fatherly duties. I can't imagine doing this without him. I don't know how to thank them enough. I have been a basket case all day crying without them around. Don't worry though, I am confident Jerod and I can do this and we will be wonderful parents. My hormones are just wacky so anything and everything makes me cry. I told Jerod today to not think I am crazy and lock me in an insane asylum. So... if we happen to be talking on the phone and I start crying, don't worry, it was nothing you said or did, I am just emotional.

Heading to the hospital

Notice all the curly black hair. It is no longer curly but still thick and dark.

Best moment of my life.

Sleeping like his daddy.

Our first family pic.

Proud poppa and grandma Shoshie.


Grandpa Bruce

Aunt Sissy

Uncle Butt

Ready for take off.

Roscoe meeting his brother.

His sleep setup. Note Jerod's shoe weighing down his legs so he doesn't startle and wake up.

Thanks to everyone for all of the well wishes and gifts. Gibson and I are lucky to have all of you in our lives.

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