Dec 28, 2010


I am no where near a writer or comedian like my sister so I hope I don't disappoint those of you who read her hilarious blog as well. I think this is a great way to share our lives and current happenings with our family and friends who live so far away. As you probably know, Jerod and I are expecting our first human child this coming summer (poor Roscoe will move WAY down on the totem pole). In the mean time, I will try to update the blog regularly with the pregnancy milestones and hopefully find some time to post our wedding pics. Speaking of pregnancy milestones, I am now 14 weeks so we made it through the 1st trimester. Yay! The next big question is the gender. According to the Chinese Fortune Calendar we are having a boy... As long as S/HE is healthy, we will be happy. We are going to the doctor on January 12 to find out if S/HE is a she or a he. Make sure you check back in a couple of weeks to find out.


  1. So pleased that you are finally entering the TECH age. Let me know if you need any assistance as I RULE the internet!

  2. Great way to let everyone know what's up. Looking forward to updates and wedding pictures.

  3. I hope it's a GIRL!!! I really want someone to have a girl! So excited for you two and miss you like crazy!
