Jul 26, 2011

One month old

Gibson turned one month old last Monday (7/18). He is growing so fast! He weighed in at 9 lbs 12 1/2 oz at his one month check up and is now too big for the newborn diapers. He is still sleeping pretty good and is an all around good baby. The "how to" books tell me he should be smiling back at us any day now. I can't wait for that. We have decided that I am only going back to work part time so I can spend more time with my sweet little man. I just couldn't imagine putting him in daycare when he is so young and little. I am so grateful that I have the option to not go back full time. Since I will be working at the office 2 days a week, we need to find a part time nanny which is what I have been working on the past few days. We interviewed a nice girl on Saturday and have another one tonight. Wish us luck! Other than that, I have also started a new hobby, photography. I am taking a basic photography/lighting with my sister on Wednesday nights and love it. My wonderful husband was nice enough to allow me to get a super nice and expensive camera. Gibson is my designated model so lucky for you, I will be taking/posting a lot of pictures documenting his life.

Gibster with his favorite girl cousin, Annabelle

Believe it or not, we did NOT do this to his hair on purpose. This is how it looks after his baths when we towel dry his hair.

My all time favorite picture with my favorite boys!

1 comment:

  1. Sister! Those pics are so great...you have a great talent :) I'm really impressed. And Gibson is the cutest thing on earth! Especially with the fro! HAHAHAHAH!
